N.E.T. Egg’s Tips for Awesome Empty Easter Eggs Fillers

15 Fun Ideas for Easter Egg Fillers

With Easter coming up, there are so many ideas to celebrate the season! We want you to have the best Easter egg hunt in the neighborhood with some of these egg-stravagant Easter egg fillers.

Plastic egg fillers for kids can range from candy to toys and money, but we want the parents to have fun too. Filling these colorful plastic eggs with all different kinds of goodies will make each egg a surprise, and the possibilities are endless! The only thing you’ll need to do is remember where you hid all the eggs! Here are 15 of the best plastic egg fillers for your Easter season:

1) Candy

Who doesn’t love candy? If you told me there was candy in some of the eggs, I would be looking for them all day until every egg was in my basket. This can range from chocolates to jellybeans, just enough to make the egg rattle when you shake it!

2) Money

Coins are a great Easter Egg filler because they help to weigh it down and make that jingle sound we all love to hear. Stray pennies or nickels in your car will find a perfect home in a plastic egg.

3) Stickers

Easter stickers inside the eggs can turn into a fun, decorative project for both kids and parents. Put these stickers all over the outside of the egg for a fun, themed Easter egg hunt!

4) Bouncy Balls

This is something they can keep and continue to have fun with even after Easter. There are so many different colors of bouncy balls to choose from, it’s easy to personalize this idea.

5) Mini Erasers

So many different shapes, sizes and colors! Kids can take them to school to show all of their friends.

6) Light Up Rings

These rings light up in the dark and are just fun to play with. Especially if the Easter egg hunt extends into the night, it will make it easy to find the kids running around in the dark.

7) Small Toy Car

They fit perfectly in an empty plastic egg, and there are so many to choose from. Your kids will love having a new car to race around after their hunt.  

8) Temporary Tattoos

They come in so many different designs, and they are a blast to put on!

9)  Mini Bubbles

Blowing bubbles if fun for all ages, it’s an activity the whole family can join in on. Who doesn’t love watching the kids try to pop every single bubble before it hits the ground?

10) Riddles and Clues

Making the Easter Egg hunt turn into a treasure hunt with clues and riddles can make it an all-day activity. The only thing you’ll need to remember is the answers to your own riddles!

11) Jokes

Writing these jokes will make the Easter egg hunt a lot of fun for both kids and adults!

12) Bracelets

Whether it’s a silly elastic bracelet, a slap-on bracelet, or a fancy bracelet, you have so many options to choose from to tailor the fun for your kids.  

13) Balloons

Kids love to blow up balloons. They can even be pre-filled with things like confetti to make the inevitable popping of the balloon a surprise!

14) Slime

Imagine opening up a plastic egg to a big blob of slime! Slime is fun to play with, easy to make, and affordable!

15) Crayons

Fill plastic eggs with crayons and give them a coloring book in their basket to make for a whole day full of activities!

Let N.E.T. Egg Help

At National Entertainment Technologies, we offer all kinds of Easter eggs to meet your needs, even filled Easter eggs you can buy in bulk. We make it so the only thing you need to do is find a good hiding spot. Contact us at 1(800) 458-4116 or on our website to see what egg-celent deals you can get today!