Should You Social Distance When Having an Easter Egg Hunt?

Plastic easter eggs in green grass

Social distancing may become the norm, especially since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Social distancing and masking are two ways to help prevent the spread of germs among children attending your Easter egg hunt. In today’s blog from NET Egg, we explain social distancing and Easter egg hunts. 

Maintain 6 Feet

Maintaining 6 feet of distance is one way to prevent the spread of germs. You and your family may need to socially distance yourselves from other people during an Easter egg hunt that has a small group, such as going over to a neighbor’s house. Please follow CDC and local guidelines when it comes to hosting an Easter egg hunt.

Go One at a Time

If you’re hosting a small gathering of kids at your house, have each child hunt for Easter eggs one at a time. Know the number of eggs you hid beforehand, and then make sure each child can find the same number of eggs as the other kids. 

After the first child finds his or her eggs, hide more eggs in the same spots before the next kid goes. That way, no one can wander off to find extra Easter eggs. Yes, it’s more work, but the system works to make things even and socially distant!

Hunt Eggs at Home With Just Your Family

Consider having a small Easter egg hunt at home with just you and your immediate family. You can always take video of the event and livestream it on social media, so your extended family can participate if they can’t attend in person. We don’t have to have social distancing forever, but we can still be safe as the coronavirus continues to be a problem. 

Plastic Easter Eggs From NET Egg

Take care this Easter, and be safe when hosting an Easter egg hunt. Have questions about our candy-filled or toy-filled Easter eggs? Contact NET Egg online or call toll-free 1-800-458-4116 for more information.