How to Have a Safe Easter Egg Hunt This Spring

Child’s hand reaches for easter eggs hidden in grass

World events surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic changed everything in 2020. People found new and creative ways to celebrate while trying to maintain social distancing and wear masks. In today’s blog from NET Egg, we explain how to have a safe Easter egg hunt this spring.

Follow CDC and Local Guidelines

We want you and your family to be healthy. Please follow CDC and local guidelines for gatherings of people. Keep the Easter egg hunt small, if possible. Consider having an event with just your immediate family. Try to maintain social distancing, such as having one or two children go at a time or cordoning off one section for each child. Make sure you wash your little one’s hands!

Indoors or Outdoors?

When you’re deciding whether to have your Easter Egg hunt indoors or outdoors, keep the following factors in mind.

Weather. If the weather’s going to be bad, keep your Easter egg hunt inside.

Plants and animals. Consider the plants and animals that may come into play. Indoor pets may want to participate. Try to hide eggs away from neighboring yards, and watch out for any wild animals on the property. Cut back any vegetation, and remove any poisonous plants like poison ivy, poison oak, and/or poison sumac.

Hiding spots. Don’t hide eggs in places that are too hard to reach. Indoors, that means in lower corners or in cabinets that kids can’t easily reach. Outdoors, don’t bury eggs in the ground, put them high up in trees, or place them out of reach for the smaller kids in the group. 

Other Tips and Tricks

  1. Don’t hide Easter eggs near breakables. That’s a disaster waiting to happen.
  2. Remove any garden tools or machinery outdoors. Kids may wander to places that are unsafe.
  3. Keep an eye on things. Always keep an eye on things and know where your children are located. This is true for indoor and outdoor Easter egg hunts. You’re the number one safety net your kids have for a fun time this spring! You can keep children from putting plastic eggs in their mouths, knocking over items in your house, or getting into arguments with other siblings over who found an egg first.

Plastic Easter Eggs From NET Egg

Another safety tip is to use plastic eggs instead of real ones. That way, there are no cracked egg shells or someone possibly eating an egg. Plus there are no lingering smells from unfound eggs. Have questions? Contact NET Egg online or call toll-free 1-800-458-4116 for more information.